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Ref: Description: Date: Size: No. Price Ea:
537 MARTINI/BLAEU, First western atlas of China/Japan, contains 17 maps, all in original colour. Picture and Details inside. 1655 Folio SOLD $15000.00
395 PETER HEYLYN, London 1682, Cosmographie in foure Books Contayning the Chorographie & Historie of the whole World. Picture and Details inside. 1663 Folio SOLD $2450.00
1117 D'ANVILLE, Paris dates from 1746-79, magnificent elephant folio ATLAS of the World, 41 maps in all, with original outline colour. Includes the important American maps and Louisiana Map, look at the sizes! Picture and Details inside. 1779 "Huge" Sold $12500.00
1156 Exceptional collection of huge maps, A GENERAL ATLAS by Robert Sayer of London, maps dated between 1786-8. Many of the maps are 4 sheet making them about 48"square. Would describe condition as generally clean and very good, slight off-setting of the large cartouche titles, (France split to centre-fold). Covers in poor way (old marble boards), front detached, spine split but all maps holding and joined to back cover.Picture and Details inside. 1786 Folio Sold $11500.00
1194 JOHNSON'S New Illustrated Family Atlas of the World. Printed New York 1866, maps by Johnson & Ward. Many of the maps are double page, includes Mountains, Flags, World, Asia, Europe, Africa etc., 27xUS State maps plus the War map of Vicinity of Richmond. Complete atlas, original binding with gold eagle inlay on green cloth but spine has separated from book. Contents generally clean, Mass. map split, Scotland with small rip all others good. 1866 15"x19" Sold $2850.00

Plate Book Birds

Ref: Description: Date: Size: No. Price Ea:
342 ARTHUR G.BUTLER, Foreign Finches in Captivity. 60 superb full colour litho plates after Frowhawk, all of excellent quality and lush colouring. Covers Finch family from all over the world. Marble boards with leather/gilt spine. 1899 8vo SOLD $1200.00

West Indies

Ref: Description: Date: Size: No. Price Ea:
D350 JOHN AUGUSTINE WALLER, Voyage in West Indies, especially Barbadoes. Scarce illustrated book including slavery. Picture and Details inside. 1820 8vo 2 $975.00
D150 THOMAS SOUTHEY, Chronological History of West Indies, Exceptional reference work in 3 volumes, starting with discovery by Columbus in 1492 and giving very accurate information up to 1816. All islands described, battles, governors, ships, letters, day to day accounts of intersting facts. Very scarce work. 1827 8vo
553 THEODORE RICHEL, Booklet set of 10 views of West Indies. Very rare, printed Berlin. 1861 14"x10" set SOLD
1219 MANUSCRIPT SHIPS LOG of HMS Cressy, Commanded by Capt.Thos.Harvey, Kept by
(J?)H.Robinson, Midshipman (1861). Three further title pages for Log of "HMS Formidable" Bearing Flag of Vice-Admiral Wm Hope-Johnson (1861) Picture and Details inside.
1861-4 9"x13" SOLD

Ref#WH24 Click on image for larger view.
WH24 SAMUEL HAZARD, Santo Domingo Past & Present, with a Glance at Hayti. Printed New York, a thick 500 page book with many full page woodcut illustrations and maps. Blue cloth cover, slightly soiled to spine but contents very clean and good. 1873 6"x8" SOLD $125.00
D140 LAWRENCE ARCHER, Monumental Inscriptions of British West Indies. Illustrated coats-of-arms, lists of governors, family tables etc., 1875 4vo 1 $245.00
D40 F.A.OBER, The Knockabout Club in the Antilles. Published by Armstrong in Boston, many full page woodcut illustrations and several more smaller vignettes in text, 239 pages. From Bermuda to Bahamas, Cuba, Hayti, French, Barbados, Trinidad. Very pictorial cover, scuffed on edges and spine. 1888 7"x9" 1 $250.00
935 W.EVES, West Indies. Many full page engravings plus fold out panoramas of Barbados, Trinidad and St.Vincent, maps. 1891 8vo 1 $325.00
D30 JAMES STARK, Illustrated Guide to Bermuda. Picture and Details inside. 1902 8vo 1 $225.00


Ref: Description: Date: Size: No. Price Ea:
Ref# 1106 Click on any image for larger view.
1106 HANS SLOANE, A Voyage to the Islands of Madera, Barbados, Nieves, S.Christophers and Jamaica. The first publication to describe and illustrate the flora and fauna of Jamaica. Sir Hans Sloane was a collector and physician, visiting Jamaica in 1687, he collected 800 new species. On his death in 1753 he bequeathed this important collection to the British nation and this founded the British Museum. Volume 2 only (of 2), but containing 134 mostly folding copper plate engravings of superior quality. Volume 1 was published some 20 years earlier and often is not with this volume. Rare. Jamaica views 1707 folio SOLD $7750.00
341 PATRICK BROWNE, Civil and Natural History of Jamaica. Very rare book, first edition with 49 plates, 2 maps. Details inside. [ More Jamaica Maps] 1756 folio SOLD $7500.00
347 EDWARD LONG, History of Jamaica. Excellent and scarce item with 5 maps and 16 copper engraved plates. Details inside. 1774 4vo 1 SOLD
668 SHIPS ACCOUNT BOOK, by Capt.James Henderson, Jamaica, Antigua, St.Kitts. Excellent detailed information. 1787 8vo SOLD
588 JAMES HAKEWILL, Picturesque Tour Jamaica. Fantastic and rare book with 19 (of 21) full colour views.Picture and Details inside. 1825 4vo SOLD $15000.00
909 HENRY WHITELEY, Three Months in Jamaica. Scarce anti slavery booklet. Gives vivid accounts of flogging etc., 16 pages, nice bound. Details More Jamaican Maps. 1832 8vo 1 $350.00
821 JOHN GURNEY, Winter in West Indies. Full page view Sligoville, interesting account various islands just after emancipation. 1841 8vo SOLD $375.00

North America

Ref: Description: Date: Size: No. Price Ea:
393 JOHN CHARLES FREMONT, Report of the Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains in the years 1843-44. 1st edition, House of Representatives, printed by Blair and Rives, House Doc.#166, 583 pages. Large folding MAP, 48"x34", (described by Wheat as changing the entire picture of the West and made a lasting contribution to cartography.) Four further maps, plus 22 lithograph views. Very interesting reading, a must for a Western Americana collector. Overall in good condition with some light foxing as usual with these editions. Recent half leather binding with marble boards. 1843 vo SOLD $1150.00

Central America

Ref: Description: Date: Size: No. Price Ea:
339D JOHN L.STEPHENS, Incidents Travel in Yucatan. First edtn. Illustrated with excellent maps and plates. Details inside. 1843 Lg8vo 1 $875.00
339C JOHN L.STEPHENS, Incidents Travel in Central America, Chiapas, Yucatan. Illustrated with excellent maps and plates. Details inside. 1843 Lg8vo SOLD $525.00
339B B.M.NORMAN, Rambles in Yucatan. Illustrated with excellent maps and plates. Details inside. 1843 Lg8vo 1 $575.00
339A EPHRAIM G.SQUIER, Nicaragua. Illustrated with excellent maps and plates. Details inside. 1852 Lg8vo 1 $775.00
339 EPHRAIM G.SQUIER, Honduras and San Salvador. Illustrated with maps and plates. Details inside. 1855 Lg8vo 1 $675.00
X107 E.G.SQUIER, Nicaragua, maps and woodcut engravings, excellent book
1860 Lg8vo 1 $525.00

South America

Ref: Description: Date: Size: No. Price Ea:
830 I.RILEY, Geographical, Natural, Civil History of Chili. Large map, first edition in English, Vol.1 only (as required). Picture and Details inside. 1808 8vo 1 $295.00
818 LIEUT.J.GILLISS, Expedition to Chili. Illustrated with excellent maps and litho plates. Picture and Details inside. 1855 4vo SOLD $475.00
D93 BARRINGTON BROWN, Canoe and Camp Life in British Guiana. Well known exciting travel book to Kaiteur etc., 10 lithos and map. Picture and Details inside. 1876 8vo 1 $1250.00


Ref: Description: Date: Size: No. Price Ea:
9420 History of the Hawaiian or Sandwish Islands. by JAMES JARVIS.Pub.Boston 1843. Embracing Antiquities,Mythology Legends etc. 1843 1 map and several woodcut prints of Tiki,haues. 1
357 C.S.STEWART, Late Missionary at the Sandwich Islands, printed New York 1828 by John P.Haven, Very early and scarce Hawaii journal. Details inside. 1828 8vo SOLD $1995.00
707 HIRAM BINGHAM, Residence of 21 years in Sandwich islands. Large folding map, full page illustrations, very good. 1847 Lg8vo SOLD $800.00
9176 ROBERT ELWES, Sketchers Tour Around World. Many fine lithos of important places including 3 on Hawaii. 1854 8vo SOLD $1250.00

World Travel & Pacific

Ref: Description: Date: Size: No. Price Ea:
A1017 J.P.DU BOIS, Vies des Gouverneurs Generaux, avec l"abrege de l'Historie des Establissemens Hollandois aux Indes Orientales. Gives collection of the biographies of the various governor-generals of the Dutch East Indies and a history of the colonys establishment. Interesting and informative text (French). Portrait of each governor at head of pages, selection of copper engravings including: large plan Amboina; various Moluccas, various Batavia; Bali: Soerabaya; Macassar, Samboupo and Java. Scarce item. Quarto size. 1763 10"x11" 1 $1500.00

Ref#552 Click on image for larger view.
552 GEORGE KEATE, Account of the Pelew Islands. Folding chart, numerous interesting copper plates, views, artifacts etc., Excellent.
More Guam Views
1789 4vo SOLD $1750.00
9395 GEORGE VANCOUVER, Voyage of Discovery. Three volume set of text without the atlas. Includes several original plates, others in facsimile. 1798 4vo SOLD $950.00
C529 GEORGE STAUNTON/Bulmer, An Authentic Account of An Embassy from King of Great Britain to Emperor of China. Scarce account of the British expedition of George Macartney to CHINA, from
1792 to 1794, collected much information on the country but failed to establish a British minister in Peking. Two full page portrait engravings and another of a plant, plus several vignettes through the text after William Alexander. Two volumes of text (without the atlas), clean and good in period leather. Second edition, large quarto size. (More on China)
1798 11"x9" 1 $1850.00
652 LABILLADIERE, Voyage in search la Perouse. Illustrated with many excellent copper plate engravings of Pacific views and general everyday life, implements, people, map. Picture and Details inside. 1800 4vo 1 $1575.00
707 HIRAM BINGHAM, Residence of 21 years in Sandwich islands. Large folding map, full page illustrations, very good. 1847 Lg8vo SOLD $800.00
9176 ROBERT ELWES, Sketchers Tour Around World. Many fine lithos of important places including 3 on Hawaii.



8vo SOLD $1250.00

European Topography

Ref: Description: Date: Size: No. Price Ea:
552 ELLEN M.TAYLOR, Madeira Its Scenery, Map of Madeira and Town Plan Funchal, 260pp, interesting real account. 1882 8vo 1 $235.00


Ref: Description: Date: Size: No. Price Ea:
D509 JAMES CORDINER, London 1807, A Description of Ceylon, Containing an Account of the Country, Inhabitants and Natural Productions; with Narratives of a Tour Round the Island in 1800, The Campaign in Candy in 1803, and a Journey to Ramisseram in 1804. Illustrated with 25 Engravings from Original Drawings.
Click Here for Additional Details.
1800 Sepia litho folio books 2 $4950.00
D511 D511.(CEYLON) JOHN DESCHAMPS, printed London 1845, Scenery and reminiscences of Ceylon. A superb folio book with lithographs by ACKERMANN, title page, 12 further views:
Click Here for Sample Pictures and Additional Details.
1845 Full colour litho folio book SOLD $15500.00


Ref: Description: Date: Size: No. Price Ea:
A709 SYMES/TARDIEU French edition atlas to illustrate the Travels of Major Symes to Ava (Burma). Includes map of Siam area, plus huge folding map of Burma (38"x18") plus further 28 plates of botany, costume, temples, boats etc., Still bound at present but really needs waterstains cleaned. Book 10"x14"
1800 Book SOLD $1250.00
A712 MICHAEL SYMES, An Account of an Embassy to the Kingdom of Ava. Symes was a major in the British Army in India, arrived in 1788 and in 1795
sent on diplomatic mission to BURMA, obtained a royal permit to allow British agent to reside in Rangoon. This famous book gives an account of the mission, culture and history. Large folding map of river, further map of Burma plus many full page or larger (folding) plates of botany, costume, temples, boats etc., One of the temple plates supplied in facsimile. Bookplate of Thomas Barbour. Contents clean and good, couple of pages with browning from copper engravings.
(More Burma)
1800 10"x14" 1 $1450.00


Ref: Description: Date: Size: No. Price Ea:
D90 DUMONT D'URVILLE, Voyages to the South Seas. Covers Pacific and world, well illustrated. By Helen Roseman. New Lg8vo 1 $165.00
501 MIKADO'S JAPAN. Excellent and interesting Glimpses of Life in 19th century Japan. Uses many illustrations from Comm.Perry Expedition, followed by Illustrated London News views. New 4vo 30 $30.00
501 LAPLACE, Voyage Around the World. From original of 1833, well illustrated in colour, important and interesting for Asia. New 4vo 1 $35.00
859 KAPP, Central America Early Maps. Lists mapping from 1548 to 1860. Several illustrations, useful. New 4vo SOLD $15.00
KFA MAP CATALOGUE. Our own important, glossy catalogue with over 800 entries most illustrated, also several pages in colour. Covers entire world. (Refundable on purchase) New 4vo - $15.00
S/W95 MAP CATALOGUE. Another of our glossy catalogues, emphasis on West Indies, Blaeu maps and Northwest Coast America. Also comes with another catalogue listing of West Indies. Illustrated. 1995 4vo - $3.00
Sp97 MAP CATALOGUE. Another of our glossy catalogues, mainly covers West Indies, very large and important collection of Jamaica, Antigua and St.Kitts. Few items on Asia, excellent Burma and Thai paintings. Scio panorama. 1997 4vo - $3.00
W97 MAP CATALOGUE, Another of our glossy catalogues, covering wide range of areas of world, Perry's Japan, Allom's China, Vaugondy, Petit-Thoaurs, some Asia, China, good Americas, important West Indies & S.America. Well illustrated. 1997 4vo - $7.00
2000 MAP CATALOGUE, A very large glossy catalogue, covering wide range of all areas of the world but especially West Indies and South America. 2000 entries, most with illustartion, many coloured and good text descriptions. 2000 4vo - $25.00
2003 MAP CATALOGUE, Another of our glossy catalogues, covering wide range of areas, good Pacific, Asia, Americas, important West Indies & S.America. Well illustrated with 300 entries. 2003 4vo - $9.00