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(Scroll down page to view complete listing.)


Ref: Description:Date: Size: No.Price Ea:

Ref#SB01 Click on image for larger view.
SB01 PINKERTON, Launching of the First Balloon within the Arctic Circle. Tornea, Lapland. Excellent steel engraving, text available, b/white 18178"x6"1$250.00

Ref#SB02 Click on image for larger view.
SB02 Illustrated London News, Aerial Steam carriage, small worming to lower left, b/white184310"x15"SOLD$60.00
SB03 Illustrated London News, Mr.Hampton's New Balloon, b/white18444"x5"1$35.00
SB04 Illustrated London News, Ascent of Nassau Balloon (basket area), 18466"x6"2$25.00
SB05 Illustrated London News, Nassau Balloon passing Battersea Bridge, b/white 18466"x5"1$35.00
SB06 Illustrated London News, Ascent of Mr.Hampton's balloon at Kensington, b/white 185110"x8" 1$30.00

Ref#SB07 Click on image for larger view.
SB07 Illustrated London News, Descent of Mr.Green's Balloon near Guildford, b/white1852 10"x6"1$25.00
SB08 Illustrated London News, Scientific Balloon Ascent, (basket) Welsh/Nicklin/Green, b/white 18527"x7"1$35.00
SB09 Illustrated London News, Balloon Ascent Champs Elysees (un-manned), b/white 185314"x10"2$20.00
SB10 Illustrated London News, Fete at Paris, Flotilla of Balloons, b/white 18549"x6"1$45.00
SB11 Illustrated London News, Chinese Pagoda London (Balloon over) b/white 185610"x5"1$20.00
SB12 Illustrated London News, Aston Park birmingham (Balloon over), b/white 1858 10"x7"1$25.00
SB13 Illustrated London News, Car of Nadar's Balloon, Crystal Palace, b/white 1863 10"x8"2$25.00

Ref#SB14 Click on image for larger view.
SB14 Illustrated London News, Nadars Giant Balloon Paris, b/white 1863 10"x10"1$45.00

Ref#SB15 Click on image for larger view.
SB15 Illustrated London News, Departure of Balloon from Paris, hand coloured 1870,9"x12"1$60.00

Ref#SB16 Click on image for larger view.
SB16 Illustrated London News, Issandiers Balloon from Paris, small stain, hand coloured187010"x10"1$35.00
SB17 Illustrated London News, Flying Man's Parachute (Hang-glider!) b/white 18744"x5" 1$25.00
SB18 Graphic, Balloon Accident in France, Spinelli/Tissandier/Sivel, b/white 187510"x14"1$35.00
SB19 Graphic, Fatal Balloon Accident France, Car of the Zenith, b/white 1875 9"x7" 1$45v
SB20 Graphic, Ballooning in France, M.Duruof, b/white 1876 7"x9"1$25.00

Ref#SB21 Click on image for larger view.
SB21 Supplement Illustrated London News, International Balloon Race from Crystal Palace, b/white 188010"x14"1$35.00

Ref#SB22 Click on image for larger view.
SB22 The Graphic, Balloon Contest above London at 14,000 feet, double page, some ink note in margin not affecting, b/white188020"x15"1$95.00
SB23 Illustrated London News , Through the Clouds (Ballooning), b/white 1881 9"x13"1$15.00
SB24 Illustrated London News, Attempted Balloon Voyage across Channel, Rescue of balloon, b /white 18829"x7"1$20.00
SB25 Graphic, Crystal Palace Exhibition (Balloon for photos), b/white 1882 10"x14"1$15.00

Ref#SB26 Click on image for larger view.
SB26 Illustrated London News, Illustrations of Centenary of Ballooning, Experimental Machines etc., double page, excellent, b/white 188420"x15"1$120.00
SB27 Graphic, Inflating Graphic Balloon, b/white 1884 9"x9" 1$45.00
SB28 Graphic, Staff Officers Surveying from Balloon (Poland), b/white 1886 9"x5" 1$55.00
SB29 Illustrated London News, Exhibition at Edinburgh (Balloon over), b/white 188610"x7"2$15.00
SB30 Graphic, Inflating Balloon Hyde Park Jubilee, b/white 1887 9"x8"1$20.00
SB31 Graphic, Balloon Photography, Rennes France, b/white 1887 9"x7" 1$35.00
SB32 Illustrated London News, Exhibition Copenhagen (Balloon over), b/white 1888 9"x7" 1$15.00
SB33 Illustrated London News, Fatal Balloon Accident, Mr.Dale, (photo) b/white 1892 6"x5"1 $20.00


Ref: Description:Date: Size: No.Price Ea:

Ref#SW01 Click on image for larger view.
SW01 PERRY, Wrestlers At Yokuhama, excellent sepia litho from the famous expedition of Commodore Perry to Japan. 18567"x10"1$275.00


Ref: Description:Date: Size: No.Price Ea:

Ref#SPF1 Click on image for larger view.
SPF1 WILLIAM HOGARTH, Cock-Fighting, excellent quality copper engraving from this most famous engraver, black/white1813 15"x12"1$245.00


Ref: Description: Date: Size: No. Price Ea:

Ref#SHR01 Click on image for larger view.
SHR01 George CRUICKSHANK, A Look at Tattersalls, superb aquatint of this famous London horse-auction founded in 1766, full colour 1823 7"x5" SOLD $175.00

Ref#SHR02 Click on image for larger view.
SHR02 ACKERMANN, Race For the Great St.Ledger Stakes 1836, Joy & Desperation- All over but the Settling. Superb aquatint of this lively event at end of race. Full hand colour 1837 25"x17" 1 $875.00

Ref#SHR03 Click on image for larger view.
SHR03 VANITY FAIR, Tattersalls, superb double page litho of this famous London horse-auction founded in 1766, full colour. 1887 20"x15" 1 $395.00

Ref#SHR04 Click on image for larger view.
SHR04 VANITY FAIR, Titled George Barrett, Jockey, full colour 1887 9"x13" 1 $285.00


Ref: Description: Date: Size: No. Price Ea:

Ref#SBX1 Click on image for larger view.
SBX1 George CRUICKSHANK, Life in London, the "gents" are set upon by a gang of rogues, excellent aquatint, full colour 1823 7"x5" 1 $75.00

Ref#SBX2 Click on image for larger view.
SBX2 GEO.NEWBOLD Johnny Walker, The Champion of Light Weights, Born in lambeth, Surry 1819. Superior quality aquatint by Geo.Hunt., Boxer standing in the ring with judges and referee. Full original colour. 1845 15"x21" 1 $875.00

Ref#SBX3 Click on image for larger view.
SBX3 S.W.FORES, Thos.Shelton, Born in Kent, Aged 32 last May Stands 5 feet 10 & Weighs 12 stone 6 lbs. Full colour 1819 10"x15" SOLD $475.00

Ref#SBX4 Click on image for larger view.
SBX4 S.W.FORES, James Ward, Aged 26yrs, Weighs about 12Stone, Stands 5 Feet 9 Inches. Small repair lower margin. Slight damage. Full colour 1827 10"x15" 1 $575.00


Ref: Description:Date: Size: No.Price Ea:

Ref#V278 Click on image for larger view.
V278 BENOIT, Billiard Hall in Surinam, stone litho, b/w 1839 8"x12' 1 $125.00


Ref: Description: Date: Size: No. Price Ea:

Ref#SCA1 Click on image for larger view.
SCA1 PERRY, Temple at Tumai, Lew Chew, excellent sepia litho from the famous Perry expedition to Japan, shows the PHOTOGRAPHER to centre of page with his large CAMERA. Early item. 1856 10"x8" 1 $225.00

Ref#SCA2 Click on image for larger view.
SCA2 SPY, Titled East Birmingham, showing large wooden plate camera, full colour 1902 9"x13" 1 $185.00


Ref: Description: Date: Size: No. Price Ea:

Ref#SCD01 Click on image for larger view.
SCD01 WILKIE, The Card Players, excellent steel engraving, b/white 1840 11"x8" 1 $175.00

Ref#SDR01 Click on image for larger view.
SDR01 WILKIE, The Clubbists, excellent steel engraving, b/white 1840 8"x11" 1 $185.00


Ref: Description: Date: Size: No. Price Ea:

Ref#CT01 Click on image for larger view.
CT01 Lady Cricketers,A GOOD CATCH,London News ,double page,drawn by Lucien Davis,excellent condition. 1889 19X12" 1 $600.00

Ref#CT02 Click on image for larger view.
CT02 Sketch at the Eton and Harrow Cricket Match,"A GOOD HIT", Graphic,double page,good condition. 1872 19X12" 1 $295.00

Ref#CT03 Click on image for larger view.
CT03 THE SURREY ELEVEN,with list of players,The London New,single page,good condition 1861 13.5"x9.5" 1 $395.00

Ref#CT04 Click on image for larger view.
CT04 Match between the Western Cricketers and the Merion Club at Ardmore,PENNSYLVANIA,Harper's Weekly,half page 1882 9.5"X7.5" 1 $250.00

Ref#CT05 Click on image for larger view.
CT05 TEST MATCH AT LORDS,between England and Australia,Trumper and Hill at the Wickets. Full page,London News. Very good condition. 1889 14"X10" 1 $198.00

Ref#CT06 Click on image for larger view.
CT06 The international cricket match at PHILADELPHIA,Harper's Weekly,single page ,small tear on page. 1879 13"x9" 1 $200.00


Ref: Description: Date: Size: No. Price Ea:

Ref#SCL01 Click on image for larger view.
SCL01 WILKIE, Reading The Will, excellent steel engraving, b/white 1840 11"x8" 1 $575.00

Ref#SCL02 Click on image for larger view.
SCL02 SPY, Titled the new Judge, full colour 1888 9"x13" 1 $195.00

Ref#SCL03 Click on image for larger view.
SCL03 SPY, Titled Gill Brass, full colour 1891 9"x13" 1 $185.00


Ref: Description: Date: Size: No. Price Ea:

Ref#SY001 Click on image for larger view.
SY001 Set of four superb WATERCOLOURS of schooners, untitled but representing the yacht "AMERICA" and others. First of the AMERICAS CUP RACES took place Aug.1851 when "America" won the race at Cowes, Isle of Wight. (The cup was given to the NY Yacht Club and named Americas Cup). The schooner was built at New York by George & James Steers for the special purpose of competing against British yachts. Crew consisted of 7 seamen before the mast, 2 mates, cook, steward, boy and master. Rare find, in excellent condition. 1851 20"x13" Set $7,500.00