4432 Panui St, Kalaheo 96741
Tel: 808-652-3274 / 808-647-9522
Email: bebenicholas@gmail.com


Ref: Description: Date: Size: No. Price Ea:

Ref#X022 Click on image for larger view.
X022 WYTFLIET, Ivcatana Regio Et Fondvra. Excellent early map of Yucatan to Panama area. Cartouche title, small repair, b/white 1597 11"x10" SOLD $1495.00
X001 ROBERT DUDLEY, Nicaragua,Panama to Colombia, b/w 1646 30"x20" SOLD $750.00

Ref#X035 Click on image for larger view.
X035 OGILBY/Montanus, Mexico, Yucatan, Central America to Costa Rica, cartouche, full col. 1671 14"x11" 1 $1250.00

Ref#X305 Click on image for larger view.
X305 VANDER AA, Nieuw Spanje (Cortes), Mexico, vignette, b/w 1706 9"x 6" 1 $595.00

Ref#X306 Click on image for larger view.
X306 VANDER AA, Mexico na Las Ybueras (Cortes),vignette, incl Yucatan, b/w 1706 9"x 6" 1 $595.00

Ref#X002 Click on image for larger view.
X002 VANDER AA, Davila in Tabasco/Yucatan, vignette, b/w 1706 9"x 6" SOLD $285.00
X003 VANDER AA, Garay in Guatimala, vignette, b/w 1706 9"x 6" 1 $325.00

Ref#X004 Click on image for larger view.
X004 VANDER AA, Verrolg in Nicaragua/Panama, vignette, b/w 1706 9"x 6" SOLD $275.00

Ref#X023 Click on image for larger view.
X023 C.BAUFORD Plan de la Baye Et Ville Portobello, list of important features, b/white 1740 9"x5" 1 $125.00

Ref#X036 Click on image for larger view.
X036 ANON, minature plan Chagre, detailed, references, b/w 1740 6"x5" SOLD $95.00

Ref#X005 Click on image for larger view.
X005 BELLIN, Tabasco,Chiapa,Verapaz,Guatimala,Honduras,Yucatan, b/w 1754 14"x 8" 1 $595.00

Ref#X029 Click on image for larger view.
X029 BELLIN, Carte Des Provinces Nicaragua, Costa Rica, cartouche, full col. 1754 7"x8" 1 $595.00
X030 BELLIN, Provinces of Nicaragua, Costa Rica, cartouche, b/w 1754 7"x8" 1 $595.00

Ref#X031 Click on image for larger view.
X031 BELLIN, Plan Port Royal, Campeche (Yucatan), cartouche, b/w 1754 7"x8" 1 $65.00

Ref#X006 Click on image for larger view.
(Image cropped due to size)
X006 BONNE, Central America, col 1770 13"x 8" 1 $975.00

Ref#X026 Click on image for larger view.
X026 BONNE, Mexico, Yucatan, Honduras, Panama, detailed, outl.col 1770 12"x8" 1 $275.00

Ref#X027 Click on image for larger view.
X027 JEFFERYS, Costa Rica/Lake Nicaragua southern coast chart, b/w 1775 23"x19" 1 $775.00

Ref#X007 Click on image for larger view.
X007 AMER.GAZETEER, Porto-Bello, chart, b/w 1777 8"x10" SOLD $155.00

Ref#X008 Click on image for larger view.
X008 T.KITCHIN, Bay of Honduras, Yucatan, part Gtmala, b/w 1779 9"x 7" 1 $385.00

Ref#X028 Click on image for larger view.
X028 CARY, Province of Mexico, Yucatan, scarce item, b/w 1799 9"x6" 1 $185.00

Ref#X010 Click on image for larger view.
X010 THOMSON, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicga, Honduras, Vera Paz, outl/col 1816 24"x20" 2 $355.00
X011 BORDIGA, California, Mexico, Texas, Cen.Am., outl/col 1820 10"x 8" 1 $175.00

Ref#WW36 Click on image for larger view.
WW36 DEPOT MARINE, Carte Du Golfe Du Mexique, superb sea-chart covering from Carolina coast through Gulf States to Yucatan. The Bahamas, Cuba, Jamaica and Hayti are well detailed. B/white 1843 36"x24" 1 $950.00

Ref#WC29 Click on image for larger view.
WC29 DEPOT MARINE, superb sea-chart of Cuba across to Yucatan, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama, detailed to Mosquito Bank, Grand Cayman. B/white 1845 24"x36" 1 $575.00

Ref#X012 Click on image for larger view.
X012 TALLIS,Central America, Gtmla, Belise, Honduras, vignettes, o/col 1851 13"x10" 1 $295.00

Ref#X013 Click on image for larger view.
X013 TALLIS, Isthmus of Panama, vignettes, o/col 1851 13"x10" 3 $275.00

Ref#X014 Click on image for larger view.
X014 SDUK, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Gtmala, Yctan, Mexico, outl/col 1852 16"x12" 5 $200.00
X015 DEPOT-MARINE, Ascension/Espiritu Bay, Belise, very detailed chart, b/w 1856 12"x18" 1 $185.00
X016 DEPOT-MARINE, Ile Bonacca, very detailed chart, b/w 1856 18"x12" 1 $185.00

Ref#X017 Click on image for larger view.
X017 DEPOT-MARINE, Chinchorro Banc/Mouillage Chinchorro, detailed chart, b/w 1856 18"x12" SOLD $185.00

Ref#X018 Click on image for larger view.
X018 WELLER, Central America, detailed, outl/col 1860 17"x12" 1 $160.00

Ref#X019 Click on image for larger view.
X019 FULLARTON, Chiapa, Tabasco, Yucatan, Honduras, litho col 1860 16"x21" 3 $195.00
X020 JOHNSON & BROWNING, Central America, many insets, full col. 1860 16"x13" 1 $155.00

Ref#X021 Click on image for larger view.
X021 JOHNSON & WARD, Central America, many insets, full col 1864 16"x13" 1 $155.00
X025 A.J.JOHNSON, Central America/Mexico, double page, 2 maps, many insets, full col. 1864 16"x24" 1 $195.00

Ref#X024 Click on image for larger view.
X024 ADMIRALTY, St.Andrew Island off Nicaragua, excellent chart, includes Courtown and Albuquerque Cays, b/white 1878 18"x24" 1 $650.00
X032 US GEOLOGICAL, Map of Portion Nicaragua, rather plain, b/w 1880 11"x9" 1 $35.00

Ref#X033 Click on image for larger view.
X033 US GEOLOGICAL, Map Portion Nicaragua, Costa Rica, shaded, b/w 1880 11"x9" 1 $350.00
X034 RAND MCNALLY, Central America, detailed to Guatemals/Costa Rica, full col. 1899 11"x9" 1 $225.00


(Link to Antiquarian Book Information)
Ref: Description: Date: Size: No. Price Ea:
X101 J.L.STEPHENS, Incidents Travel in Yucatan, illus, 1st edtn. good book 1843 Lg8vo 1 $875.00
X102 J.L.STEPHENS, Travel in Cen.America, illus, good book 1843 Lg8vo 1 $525.00
X103 B.M.NORMAN, Rambles in Yucatan, illus, good book 1843 Lg8vo 1 $575.00
X104 E.G.SQUIER, Nicaragua, maps and lithos, good book 1852 Lg8vo 1 $775.00
X105 E.G.SQUIER, Honduras, San Salvador, stone lithos, good book 1855 Lg8vo 1 $675.00

Ref#X107 Click on image for larger view.
X107 E.G.SQUIER, Nicaragua, maps and woodcut engravings, excellent book
1860 Lg8vo 1 $525.00
X106 W.T.BRIGHAM, Guatemala, Land of Quetzal, several illus, good book 1887 Lg8vo SOLD $250.00


Ref: Description: Date: Size: No. Price Ea:
X201 OGILBY, Salvador, copper engv, b/w 1671 14"x11" 1 $325.00
X202 VANDER AA, Columbus Cen.Am, making canoe, copper, b/w 1706 7"x 5" 1 $95.00
X203 VANDER AA, Balboa in Darien, 2 related views, copper, b/w 1706 7"x 5"ea pair $65.00
X204 VANDER AA, De Lepe in Darien, 4 related views, copper, b/w 1706 7"x 5"ea set $95.00
X205 VANDER AA, Davila in Darien, 7 related views, copper, b/w 1706 7"x 5"ea set $85.00
X206 VANDER AA, Gryalva in Yucatan, 3 related views, copper, b/w 1706 7"x 5" set $45.00
X207 MOORES, Galleon battle at Spanish Fort Umata, copper, b/w 1790 11"x 9" 1 $185.00
X208 HOGG, Galleon battle Centurion and Acapulco, copper, b/w 1770 7"x11" 1 $185.00
X209 T.KELLY, Balize, b/w 1837 7"x 5" 3 $125.00
X210 ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS,Mahogany Trees/Large Log Honduras 1850 10"x15" 3 $35.00
X211 ILN, Capture Port Truxillo, Honduras b/w 1850 9"x 6" 3 $60.00
X212 ILN, Greytown, Harbour San Juan, Consulate, b/w 1857 15"x10" 3 $70.00

Ref#X218 Click on image for larger view.
X218 ENGLISH SCHOOL, View of the Governors and Judges House, British Honduras. Excellent quality WATERCOLOUR showing cannons on beach across the river from the town. Inscription on reverse. Full colour 1871 12"x 10" 1 $2,650.00
X213 ILN, British Consulate Omoa, Honduras, b/w 1873 10"x 4" 1 $35.00
X214 GRAPHIC, Indian Raids, British Honduras, Orange Walk, b/w 1873 10"x 4" 1 $35.00
X215 GRAPHIC, British Honduras, Henry Fowler exploring party, b/w 1880 10"x 4" 1 $35.00
X216 GRAPHIC, Life at St.Georges Caye, Near Belize, b/w 1886 15"x10" 2 $60.00
X217 ILN, British Honduras Court at Colonial Exhbtn. b/w 1886 10"x15" 1 $35.00


Ref: Description: Date: Size: No. Price Ea:
X305 GOAD, Mexico,by Chas.E.Goad,Insurance plan,shows colouring block of details portion of the city. 1897 26"x21" 1 $275.00
X301 ORTELIUS, Hispaniae Novae, cartche title, detailed, b/w 1579 20"x13" 1 $895.00

Ref#X327 Click on image for larger view.
X327 BERTIUS, Mexicana, neat miniature, well detailed, silk-shot sea, b/white 1616 5"x4" SOLD $275.00

Ref#X302 Click on image for larger view.
X302 BLAEU, Nova Hispania, cartche title, excellent, detailed, col 1635 20"x15" 1 $1250.00
X303 PORCACCHI, Temistitan, birds eye of old city 1604 6"x 9" SOLD $195.00
X304 MALLET, Mexiqve, decorative map, b/w 1685 4"x 6" SOLD $155.00
X307 VAUGONDY, Mexique/Californie, includes Texas area, outl.col 1750 8"x 7" SOLD $125.00

Ref#X308 Click on image for larger view.
X308 BELLIN, Mexico, cartouche, b/w 1754 12"x 8" 1 $225.00

Ref#X309 Click on image for larger view.
X309 BELLIN, Mexico City (on lake), cartouche, b/w 1754 12"x 8" 1 $135.00

Ref#X309a Click on image for larger view.
X309a BELLIN, Mexico City (on lake with causeways), cartouche, b/w 1754 12"x 8" 3 $135.00

Ref#X310 Click on image for larger view.
X310 BELLIN, Vera Cruz, chart, b/w 1754 7"x 9" 2 $85.00
X311 BONNE, Le Nouveau Mexique, includes Texas area, b/w 1770 13"x 9" SOLD $275.00
X312 BONNE, Carte Du Mexique, includes Texas area, Cen.Am, b/w 1771 16"x12" SOLD $325.00
X313 JEFFERYS, Chart from Nueva Vera Cruz to Triste Isle, b/w 1775 25"x19" SOLD $475.00

Ref#X314 Click on image for larger view.
X314 ZATTA, Messico ou Nuova Spagna, includes Texas area, outl. col. 1785 16"x12" 1 $1250.00
X315 THOMSON, Spanish North America incl.Texas area, full col. 1814 24"x20" SOLD $525.00

Ref#X316 Click on image for larger view.
X316 CONSTABLE, Mexico, incl.Texas area, outl. col. 1820 10"x 8" SOLD $125.00

Ref#X318 Click on image for larger view.
X318 BLUNT, Chart Vera Cruz, b/w 1822 11"x 8" 1 $75.00
X319 ARROWSMITH, Mexico, incl. Texas Republic, outl. col. 1842 24"x19" SOLD $750.00
X323 SDUK, S.Mexico to Nicaragua, outl. col. 1852 16"x12" 1 $200.00

Ref#X324 Click on image for larger view.
X324 COLTON, Mexico, inset Tehuantepec, full col. 1854 15"x12" 2 $175.00
X331 JOHNSON & Browning, Mexico,inset Thuantepec, detailed, full col. 1860 15"x12" 1 $155.00
X332 JOHNSON & Browning, Mexico,inset Thuantepec, detailed, full col. 1862 15"x12" 1 $155.00
X333 JOHNSON & Ward, Mexico,inset Thuantepec, detailed, full col. 1864 15"x12" 1 $155.00

Ref#X325 Click on image for larger view.
X325 BRADLEY, Mexico, insets Tehuantepec/Vera Cruz, full col. 1870 15"x12" 1 $85.00

Ref#X330 Click on image for larger view.
X330 BRADLEY, Mexico, inset Vera Cruz and Yucatan, full col. 1870 22"x18" 1 $125.00
X328 COLTON, Mexico, inset Tehuantepec, detailed, full col. 1871 15"x12" 1 $175.00
X326 RAND MCNALLY, Mexico, detailed, full col. 1880 20"x13" 1 $55.00
X329 RAND MCNALLY, Mexico, Railroads, detailed, outline col. 1891 23"x21" 2 $65.00


Ref: Description:Date: Size: No.Price Ea:
X501 DE BRY, Crossing rivers etc., Mexico, copper engv, b/w 1598 8"x12" 1 $225.00
X502 OGILBY/MONTANUS, Muteczuma, decorative copper engv, b/w 1671 7"x12" 1 $385.00
X503 OGILBY?, Various scenes, 3 x decorative copper engv, (German) b/w 1671 7"x12"set $385.00
X504 MALLET, Viztlipvztli, decorative copper engv, b/w 1685 4"x 6" 1 $45.00
X505 MALLET, Mexiqve, decorative copper view, b/w 1685 4"x 6" 1 $135.00
X506 ANSON, Entrance Acapulco, copper, b/w 1740 19"x 9" 1 $75.00
X507 Anon, Don Francisco Pizarro, decorative copper, b/w 1740 6"x 7" 1 $175.00
X508 HARRIS VOYAGES, Cortes meets Motezuma, good view, copper, b/w 1745 13"x 9" 1 $225.00
X509 HARRIS VOYAGES, Antient Mexico, good view, copper, b/w 1745 13"x 9" 1 $235.00
X510 HOGG, Rejoicings of Mexicans, good view, copper, b/w 1770 10"x 8" 1 $125.00
X511 Anon, Indiaansche Vrouw Van Puebla, excellent costume, full col 1820 6"x 7" 1 $85.00
X512 Anon, Indiaan Van Puebla, excellent costume, full col 1820 6"x 7" 1 $85.00
X513 GALLERIE VERSAILLE, Fort Jean d'Ulloa, good steel view, b/w 1840 13"x11" 1 $185.00
X514 GALLERIE VERSAILLE, Fort Jean d'Ulloa, dramatic battle view, b/w 1840 13"x11" 1 $185.00
X515 ADLARD, City of Mexico, good view, steel, b/w 1840 8"x 6" 5 $75.00
X516 MIALHE, Piedra En El Monte De Mapilca, good stone litho, b/w 1840 14"x11" 1 $275.00
X517 ILN, Castle San Juan De Ulloa, Vera Cruz, b/w 1847 10"x 6" 1 $45.00
X518 ILN, Convent La Merced, City Mexico, b/w 1849 10"x 6" 1 $35.00
X519 ILLUSTRATED TIMES, Cathedral Mexico, Fountain, Ford, b/w 1862 10"x14" 1 $60.00
X520 ILLUSTRATED TIMES, Mexican Militia, b/w 1862 10"x 6" 1 $35.00
X521 ILLUSTRATED TIMES, Troops at Vera Cruz, b/w 1862 10"x14" 1 $45.00
X522 ILLUSTRATED TIMES, French/Mexican at Orizaba, b/w 1862 10"x 7" 1 $45.00
X523 ILN, War in Mexico, Palmar, Puebla, b/w 1863 14"x10" 1 $45.00
X524 ILN, Panorama of Mexico City, excellent, b/w 1863 20"x14" 1 $125.00
X525 ILN, Marshall Bazaine, French Commmander Mexico, b/w 1864 10"x14" 1 $25.00
X526 ILN, Court Martial Puebla, Banuelos Mexican Brigand, b/w 1864 10"x14" 1 $45.00
X527 ILN, Guaymas, Mexico, b/w 1866 10"x 6" 1 $65.00

Ref#X533 Click on image for larger view.
X533 ILN,Ascent of Popocatapetl, small views, b/white 1867 10"x15" 1 $55.00
X528 ILN, Embark body Maximilian, Vera Cruz, good view, b/w 1868 10"x14" 1 $65.00
X529 ILN, Railway Station Guadalupe Hidalgo Near Mexico, b/w 1870 10"x 7" 1 $45.00
X530 RECULSE, Indian Village, Huexoculco, good view, woodcut, b/w 1880 8"x 6" 1 $35.00

Ref#X531 Click on image for larger view.
X531 ILN, Gorge of Metlac on Mexican Railway, b/w 1882 10"x 7" 1 $35.00
X532 ILN, City of Oaxaca, Mexican Railway, b/w 1892 10"x15" 1 $45.00