Ref: |
Description: |
Date: |
Size: |
No. |
Price Ea: |
Ref#X022 Click on image for larger view. |
X022 |
WYTFLIET, Ivcatana Regio Et Fondvra. Excellent early map of Yucatan
to Panama area. Cartouche title, small repair, b/white |
1597 |
11"x10" |
$1495.00 |
X001 |
ROBERT DUDLEY, Nicaragua,Panama to Colombia, b/w |
1646 |
30"x20" |
$750.00 |
Ref#X035 Click on image for larger view. |
X035 |
OGILBY/Montanus, Mexico, Yucatan, Central America to
Costa Rica, cartouche, full col. |
1671 |
14"x11" |
1 |
$1250.00 |
Ref#X305 Click on image for larger view. |
X305 |
VANDER AA, Nieuw Spanje (Cortes), Mexico, vignette, b/w |
1706 |
9"x 6" |
1 |
$595.00 |
Ref#X306 Click on image for larger view. |
X306 |
VANDER AA, Mexico na Las Ybueras (Cortes),vignette, incl Yucatan,
b/w |
1706 |
9"x 6" |
1 |
$595.00 |
Ref#X002 Click on image for larger view. |
X002 |
VANDER AA, Davila in Tabasco/Yucatan, vignette, b/w |
1706 |
9"x 6" |
$285.00 |
X003 |
VANDER AA, Garay in Guatimala, vignette, b/w |
1706 |
9"x 6" |
1 |
$325.00 |
Ref#X004 Click on image for larger view. |
X004 |
VANDER AA, Verrolg in Nicaragua/Panama, vignette, b/w |
1706 |
9"x 6" |
$275.00 |
Ref#X023 Click on image for larger view. |
X023 |
C.BAUFORD Plan de la Baye Et Ville Portobello, list of important
features, b/white |
1740 |
9"x5" |
1 |
$125.00 |
Ref#X036 Click on image for larger view. |
X036 |
ANON, minature plan Chagre, detailed, references, b/w |
1740 |
6"x5" |
$95.00 |
Ref#X005 Click on image for larger view. |
X005 |
BELLIN, Tabasco,Chiapa,Verapaz,Guatimala,Honduras,Yucatan, b/w
1754 |
14"x 8" |
1 |
$595.00 |
Ref#X029 Click on image for larger view. |
X029 |
BELLIN, Carte Des Provinces Nicaragua, Costa Rica,
cartouche, full col. |
1754 |
7"x8" |
1 |
$595.00 |
X030 |
BELLIN, Provinces of Nicaragua, Costa Rica, cartouche,
b/w |
1754 |
7"x8" |
1 |
$595.00 |
Ref#X031 Click on image for larger view. |
X031 |
BELLIN, Plan Port Royal, Campeche (Yucatan), cartouche,
b/w |
1754 |
7"x8" |
1 |
$65.00 |
Ref#X006 Click on image for larger view.
(Image cropped due to size) |
X006 |
BONNE, Central America, col |
1770 |
13"x 8" |
1 |
$975.00 |
Ref#X026 Click on image for larger view. |
X026 |
BONNE, Mexico, Yucatan, Honduras, Panama, detailed,
outl.col |
1770 |
12"x8" |
1 |
$275.00 |
Ref#X027 Click on image for larger view. |
X027 |
JEFFERYS, Costa Rica/Lake Nicaragua southern coast
chart, b/w |
1775 |
23"x19" |
1 |
$775.00 |
Ref#X007 Click on image for larger view. |
X007 |
AMER.GAZETEER, Porto-Bello, chart, b/w |
1777 |
8"x10" |
$155.00 |
Ref#X008 Click on image for larger view. |
X008 |
T.KITCHIN, Bay of Honduras, Yucatan, part Gtmala, b/w |
1779 |
9"x 7" |
1 |
$385.00 |
Ref#X028 Click on image for larger view. |
X028 |
CARY, Province of Mexico, Yucatan, scarce item, b/w
1799 |
9"x6" |
1 |
$185.00 |
Ref#X010 Click on image for larger view. |
X010 |
THOMSON, Panama, Costa Rica, Nicga, Honduras, Vera Paz, outl/col
1816 |
24"x20" |
2 |
$355.00 |
X011 |
BORDIGA, California, Mexico, Texas, Cen.Am., outl/col |
1820 |
10"x 8" |
1 |
$175.00 |
Ref#WW36 Click on image for larger view. |
WW36 |
DEPOT MARINE, Carte Du Golfe Du Mexique, superb sea-chart covering from Carolina coast through Gulf States to Yucatan. The Bahamas, Cuba, Jamaica and Hayti are well detailed. B/white |
1843 |
36"x24" |
1 |
$950.00 |
Ref#WC29 Click on image for larger view. |
WC29 |
DEPOT MARINE, superb sea-chart of Cuba across to Yucatan, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama, detailed to Mosquito Bank, Grand Cayman. B/white |
1845 |
24"x36" |
1 |
$575.00 |
Ref#X012 Click on image for larger view. |
X012 |
TALLIS,Central America, Gtmla, Belise, Honduras, vignettes, o/col
1851 |
13"x10" |
1 |
$295.00 |
Ref#X013 Click on image for larger view. |
X013 |
TALLIS, Isthmus of Panama, vignettes, o/col |
1851 |
13"x10" |
3 |
$275.00 |
Ref#X014 Click on image for larger view. |
X014 |
SDUK, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Gtmala, Yctan, Mexico, outl/col
1852 |
16"x12" |
5 |
$200.00 |
X015 |
DEPOT-MARINE, Ascension/Espiritu Bay, Belise, very detailed chart,
b/w |
1856 |
12"x18" |
1 |
$185.00 |
X016 |
DEPOT-MARINE, Ile Bonacca, very detailed chart, b/w |
1856 |
18"x12" |
1 |
$185.00 |
Ref#X017 Click on image for larger view. |
X017 |
DEPOT-MARINE, Chinchorro Banc/Mouillage Chinchorro, detailed
chart, b/w |
1856 |
18"x12" |
$185.00 |
Ref#X018 Click on image for larger view. |
X018 |
WELLER, Central America, detailed, outl/col |
1860 |
17"x12" |
1 |
$160.00 |
Ref#X019 Click on image for larger view. |
X019 |
FULLARTON, Chiapa, Tabasco, Yucatan, Honduras, litho col |
1860 |
16"x21" |
3 |
$195.00 |
X020 |
JOHNSON & BROWNING, Central America, many insets,
full col. |
1860 |
16"x13" |
1 |
$155.00 |
Ref#X021 Click on image for larger view. |
X021 |
JOHNSON & WARD, Central America, many insets, full
col |
1864 |
16"x13" |
1 |
$155.00 |
X025 |
A.J.JOHNSON, Central America/Mexico, double page, 2
maps, many insets, full col. |
1864 |
16"x24" |
1 |
$195.00 |
Ref#X024 Click on image for larger view. |
X024 |
ADMIRALTY, St.Andrew Island off Nicaragua, excellent chart, includes
Courtown and Albuquerque Cays, b/white |
1878 |
18"x24" |
1 |
$650.00 |
X032 |
US GEOLOGICAL, Map of Portion Nicaragua, rather plain,
b/w |
1880 |
11"x9" |
1 |
$35.00 |
Ref#X033 Click on image for larger view. |
X033 |
US GEOLOGICAL, Map Portion Nicaragua, Costa Rica, shaded,
b/w |
1880 |
11"x9" |
1 |
$350.00 |
X034 |
RAND MCNALLY, Central America, detailed to Guatemals/Costa
Rica, full col. |
1899 |
11"x9" |
1 |
$225.00 |