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These comical pictures were printed in the early 19th century, and were called "Tom & Jerry" depicting early English humor in Comic form. Ranging in date from 1815 to 1821, they are in Original Colour and measure approx = 7 1/2" x 4 1/4" Printed in London at R.Ackermann's, Repository of Arts, 101 Strand.
(Click on image for larger view)
TJ001 Doctor Syntax Robb'd of his Property.$60.00 TJ002 Doctor Syntax Meditating on the Tomb Stones. $60.00
TJ003 Syntax Preaching. $60.00 TJ004 Dr.Syntax at Liverpool. $85.00
TJ005 The Rev'd Doctor Syntax. $85.00 TJ006 Dr.Syntax bound to a tree by Highwaymen. $60.00
TJ007 An introduction. Gay Moments of Logic, Jerry, Tom, and Corinthian Kate. $225.00 TJ008 Midnight, Tom & Jerry, at a Coffee Shop near the Olympic. $250.00
TJ009 Tom & Jerry, in the Saloon at Covent Gardens. $220.00 TJ010 Tom Getting the best of a Charley. $60.00
TJ011 Bow Street. Tom and Jerry's sensibility awakened at the pathetic tale of the elegant Cyprian. $175.00 TJ012 Jerry in training for a "Swell" $175.00
TJ013 Tom and Jerry, Sporting their "bits of blood" among the Pinks in Rotten Row. $195.00 TJ014 Tom & Jerry Larking at a Masquerade Supper, at the Opera House. $185.00
TJ015 White Horse Cellar at Piccadilly. $225.00 TJ016 Tom and Jerry taking the hint at Logics being blown up at "Point Nonplus;" or long "wanted" by. Jonn Doe and Richard Roe and must "come." $125.00
TJ017 Outside the Opera House at Night. Gallantry of Tom and Jerry. $120.00 TJ018 Tom & Jerry and Logic, making the most of an Evening at Vauhall. $125.00
TJ019 Highest Life in London. Tom & Jerry, " Shorting a Toe" among the Cointhians, at Almack in the West. $195.00 TJ020 Tom and Jerry "Masquerading it "among the Cadgers in the "Back Slums" in the Holy Land. $185.00
TJ021 Symptoms of the finsh of "Some Sorts of Life" in London. Tom, Jerry, and Logic, in the Prefs Yard at Newgate. $185.00 TJ022 Lowest "Life in London" Tom and Jerry and Logic among the unshopisticated Sons and Daughters of Nature at "All Max" in the East. $195.00
TJ023 The Green Room at Drury Land Theater. Tom & Jerry introduced to the Characters in Don Giovanne. $175.00 TJ024 A "Look in" at Tattersal's. Tom taking Jerry's judgment in purchashing a "Prad" Sold $185.00
TJ025 Life in London. Peep o'day Boys, A street Row, The Author losing his "reader". Tom & Jerry "showing fight". & Logic floored. $125.00 TJ026 A Shilling Well Laid Out. Tom and Jerry at the Exhibition of Pictures at teh Royal Academy. $185.00
TJ027 Tom, Jerry and Logic, in characters at the Grand Carnival. $185.00