Ref: | Description: | Date: | Size: | No. | Price Ea: |
E5504 | PHILLIPS, Chart of Russian exploration route through King George's Islands area to Krusensterns Islands in the Tuamotus. Very scarce item, b/w | 1821 | 16"x8" | 1 | $225.00 |
Ref#E5507 Click on image for larger view. |
E5507 | LOUIS DUPERRY, De L'Ile Narcisse/De L'Ile Moller/De L'Ile Clermont-Tonnerre. Three charts to page, b/white | 1827 | 14"x20" | 1 | $225.00 |
Ref#E5508 Click on image for larger view. |
E5508 | LOUIS DUPERRY, Carte Des Iles Pomotou. Exceptional chart of the whole group including Tahiti, many explorer routes shown, b/white | 1827 | 29"x19" | 1 | $775.00 |
Ref#E5506 Click on image for larger view. |
E5506 | DUMONT D'URVILLE, Maison De L'Eveque A Ao-Kena, Manga Reva, Marquesas. Good tropical scene, small worming, b/w | 1830 | 14"x10" | 1 | $425.00 |
E5505 | D'URVILLE, View Krusenstern island/Natives of Tchitchgoff, b/w | 1834 | 5"x8" | 5 | $85.00 |
E5500 | VINCENDON DUMOULIN, Archipel Pomotou, small well detailed chart, names even remotest islands, b/w | 1848 | 11"x7" | 1 | $225.00 |
E5501 | CHARLES WILKES, Paumotu Group, steel engraved map, well detailed from Tahiti to Mangarea | 1856 | 11"x8" | 1 | $275.00 |
E5502 | DEPOT DES CARTES MARINE, Plan De L'Ile Hao, after Beechey, excellent French Admiralty chart, detailed, scarce item, b/w | 1874 | 19"x13" | 1 | $325.00 |
Ref#E5503 Click on image for larger view. |
E5503 | RECLUSE, Landscape in Tuamotu Archplg. coconut grove, b/w | 1880 | 8"x 5" | 2 | $150.00 |