Ref: | Description: | Date: | Size: | No. | Price Ea: |
Ref#E3100 Click on image for larger view. |
E3100 | BELLIN, Carolines, cartouche, detailed chart, b/w | 1750 | 15"x 8" | 2 | $375.00 |
Ref#E3102 Click on image for larger view. |
E3102 | BRION DE LA TOUR, Carte Des Isles Carolines, Marianes. Box title, large inset of Guam, shows Saipan, Palau through Yap to Ponape. B/white | 1790 | 14"x10" | 3 | $345.00 |
Ref#E3103 Click on image for larger view. |
E3103 | LOUIS DUPERRY, Bigali/Satahoual/Tamatam, Ollap. Three small charts of the islands,b/white | 1827 | 19"x14" | 1 | $375.00 |
Ref#E3104 Click on image for larger view. |
E3104 | LOUIS DUPERRY, Iles Duperry and Mac-Askill, 2 small charts to page. Present day Mokil and Pingalap,b/white | 1827 | 19"x14" | 1 | $385.00 |
Ref#E3105 Click on image for larger view. |
E3105 | LOUIS DUPERRY, Plan De L'Ile Oualan. Rare chart of island (KOSRAE), excellent shading, prospect,b/white | 1827 | 19"x29" | 1 | $995.00 |
Ref#E3106 Click on image for larger view. |
E3106 | LOUIS DUPERRY, Plan Havre Chabrol/Port Lottin (Oualan). Excellent and rare charts of Lele island in Kosrae, b/white | 1827 | 14"x19" | 1 | $775.00 |
Ref#E3107 Click on image for larger view. |
E3107 | LOUIS DUPERRY, Plan Havre De La Coquille (Oualan)(KOSRAE). Rare chart of the port area, villages, soundings and shading, b/white | 1827 | 19"x29" | 1 | $875.00 |
Ref#E3108 Click on image for larger view. |
E3108 | LOUIS DUPERRY, Carte Des Iles Hogoleu. Rare chart of TRUK lagoon, naming all islands, outline of reefs,b/white | 1827 | 29"x19" | 1 | $875.00 |
Ref#E3109 Click on image for larger view. |
E3109 | LOUIS DUPERRY, Carte De L'Archipel Des Iles Carolines. Superb chart of whole area naming all small atolls, numerous routes of explorers,b/white | 1827 | 29"x19" | 1 | $1,100.00 |
Ref#E3110 Click on image for larger view. |
E3110 | LOUIS DUPERRY, Large selection of native craft, outriggers, canoes etc., of various islands. b/white(4 sheets, each 19"x14") | 1827 | 19"x14" |
Sold |
$495.00 |
Ref: |
Description: |
Date: |
Size: |
No. |
Price Ea: |
Ref#E3000 Click on image for larger view. |
E3000 |
DUPERRY, Carolines, Inhabitants of Oualan, rare item, full col.
1825 |
19"x12" |
Sold |
$895.00 |
Ref#E3001 Click on image for larger view. |
E3001 |
DUPERRY, Carolines, Inhabitants of Oualan seated, rare item,
full col. |
1825 |
19"x12" |
Sold |
$1175.00 |
Ref#E3002 Click on image for larger view. |
E3002 |
DUPERRY, Carolines, Inhabitants of Oualan, two girls, rare item,
full col. |
1825 |
19"x12" |
Sold |
$1175.00 |
Ref#E3003 Click on image for larger view. |
E3003 |
DUPERRY, Carolines, View Oualan, excellent and rare, full col. |
1825 |
19"x12" |
Sold |
$1250.00 |
Ref#E3004 Click on image for larger view. |
E3004 |
DUPERRY, Carolines, View village Oualan, excellent and rare,
full col. |
1825 |
19"x12" |
Sold |
$1175.00 |
Ref#E3005 Click on image for larger view. |
E3005 |
DUPERRY, Carolines, hand loom Oualan, excellent and rare, full
col. |
1825 |
19"x12" |
1 |
$975.00 |
Ref#E3006 Click on image for larger view. |
E3006 |
DUPERRY, Carolines, Oualan, bowl, axe, necklaces, excellent and
rare, full col. |
1825 |
19"x12" |
Sold |
$975.00 |
Ref#E3007 Click on image for larger view. |
E3007 |
DUPERRY, Carolines, Various woven cloth, excellent and rare,
full col. |
1825 |
19"x12" |
1 |
$875.00 |
Ref#E3008 Click on image for larger view. |
E3008 |
DUPERRY, Carolines, various bowls etc., excellent and rare, full
col. |
1825 |
19"x12" |
1 |
$475.00 |
Ref#E3028 Click on image for larger view. |
E3028 |
THIERRY/Kittlitz, Vue Dans L'Ile Ualan, Iles Carolines (KOSRAE). Excellent quality stone lithograph of interior of island. An interesting item, as far as we understand Duperry was the only explorer to this island at this time, but this is from an entirely different series. (Plate 20). Black/white |
1830 |
14"x11" |
1 |
$775.00 |
Ref#E3029 Click on image for larger view. |
E3029 |
THIERRY/Postels, Habitation Dans L'Ile Ualan, Iles Carolines (KOSRAE). Excellent quality stone lithograph of village scene. An interesting item, as far as we understand Duperry was the only explorer to this island at this time, but this is from an entirely different series. (Plate 18). Black/white |
1830 |
14"x11" |
1 |
$875.00 |
E3014 |
D'URVILLE, Village Ualan, good scene, b/w |
1834 |
10"x5" |
5 |
$150.00 |
E3015 |
D'URVILLE, Man/Woman of Ualan, b/w |
1834 |
10"x5" |
5 |
$95.00 |
E3016 |
D'URVILLE, Natives/Interior scene Ualan, b/w |
1834 |
10"x5" |
5 |
$95.00 |
E3017 |
D'URVILLE, Ualan viewed across lagoon, b/w |
1834 |
10"x5" |
5 |
$125.00 |
E3018 |
D'URVILLE, Village Square Palau, good village scene, b/w |
1834 |
10"x5" |
5 |
$125.00 |
E3019 |
D'URVILLE, Village of Palau/Abbe Tulle Chief, b/w |
1834 |
10"x5" |
5 |
$75.00 |
E3020 |
D'URVILLE, Building ship/Abbee Tulles wife, b/w |
1834 |
10"x5" |
5 |
$65.00 |
E3021 |
D'URVILLE, Artifacts/Son Chief Palau, b/w |
1834 |
10"x5" |
5 |
$125.00 |
E3022 |
D'URVILE, Large Canoe Tamatam, b/w |
1834 |
10"x5" |
5 |
$75.00 |
E3023 |
D'URVILLE, View Tamatam/Natives, b/w |
1834 |
10"x5" |
5 |
$65.00 |
E3027 |
SKOGMAN, Young man of Ponape, interesting, scarce, col |
1851 |
5"x9" |
1 |
$285.00 |
E3009 |
ILLUSTRATED London News, Various insets, Palau,Majura, Yap, col
1874 |
10"x14" |
1 |
$ 275.00 |
E3010 |
RECLUSE, Ualan, galleon, island in background (Carolines), b/w
1880 |
8"x 5" |
1 |
$75.00 |
Ref#E3024 Click on image for larger view. |
E3024 |
RECLUSE, War Costume of the natives of Caroline Islands, woodcut,
b/w |
1880 |
5"x8" |
2 |
$45.00 |
E3025 |
COUNTRIES WORLD, Tattooing of Natives of Ponape, Carolines, woodcut
on text, b/w |
1880 |
5"x8" |
1 |
$225.00 |
E3026 |
ILN, Eclipse of Sun from Caroline Islands, |
1883 |
10"x7" |
1 |
$85.00 |
E3011 |
ILLUSTRATED London News, Various insets, Ponapi, carolines, b/w
1885 |
10"x14" |
1 |
$175.00 |