Ref: Description: Date: Size: No.Price Ea:

Ref#R601 Click on image for larger view.
R601 PORCACCHI/PORRO, Islanda, printed venice, from Isole del Mondo, excellent, on page text, b/white16046"x10" SOLD $250.00

Ref#R602 Click on image for larger view.
R602 BELLIN/Horrebows, Carte De L'Islande, very good, b/white174515"x12" 2 $650.00

Ref#R603 Click on image for larger view.
R603 ERICHSEN, Nyt Carte over Island, excellent and very rare, considerable info. b/white177122"x17"Sold$1450.00

Ref#R604 Click on image for larger view.
R604 A.FULLARTON, Danish Islands, Iceland and faroes, excellent litho with decorative views,186012"x18" 4 $195.00


Ref: Description: Date: Size: No. Price Ea:

Ref#R610 Click on image for larger view.
R610 MAYER/Bayot, Temple de Breidabolstadur, Iceland. Good view, b/white 1820 16"x12" 1 $175.00

Ref#R611 Click on image for larger view.
R611 LEMERCIER/Bayot, Arrivee a la Station, Iceland. Good view, b/white 1820 16"x12" 1 $175.00

Ref#R612 Click on image for larger view.
R612 FULLARTON, series of views of Iceland, b/white 1860 8"x11" 1 $65.00

Ref#R613 Click on image for larger view.
R613 GRAPHIC, An Icelandic Wedding, various scenes, b/white 1873 10"x15" 1 $55.00

Ref#R614 Click on image for larger view.
R614 ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEWS, Dried Cod at Reykjavik, Iceland, b.white 1875 10"x10" 1 $55.00

Ref#R615 Click on image for larger view.
R615 GRAPHIC, Sketches in Iceland, interesting various scenes, b/white 1876 10"x15" 1 $45.00