KAUAI FINE ARTS, P.O. Box 411, Hanapepe, Hawaii 96716 Fax: 808.332.9808

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East Coast:
Ref: Description: Date: Size: No.Price Ea:

Ref#TIN01 Click on image for larger view.
TIN01 BANKES GEOG, Man/Woman of Chippeways and Man/Woman of Nawdowessies west of Mississippi, copper engraved, bow/arrow and rifle/tomahawk, b/white 1790 8"x13" 1 $275.00

Ref#TIN02 Click on image for larger view.
TIN02 HONNEGER, Makuie-Poka Sohn des Wolfen. (Son of the Wolf) father was Kutenai, mother Blackfoot, now dressed as downriver Mandan and Minnetarees. Superb stone litho after BODMER, trading blanket, scarf, bear claw, necklace, hair braided, glass beads and rings, holding eagle-wing fan produced by the Crows. Full colour 1834 9"x11" SOLD $575.00
TIN03 PICART, Bead necklaces, pipe, club of Virginians, b/white 1733 9"x13" SOLD $275.00
TIN04 MILLAR, Dress of Inhabitants of California, b/white 1770 7"x11" 1 $150.00
TIN05 PHILLIPS, North American Indians, copper engraved, b/white 1806 6"x3" 1 $80.00

Ref#TIN06 Click on image for larger view.
TIN06 FERRARIO, Dance of Carolina indians, full col. 1811 7"x5" 1 $150.00
TIN07 STEARNES, British In Council With Indians, b/white 1820 7"x5" 1 $95.00

Ref#TIN08 Click on image for larger view.
TIN08 PRITCHARD, Hco-a-koo-a, Flat Head Warrior, full col 1842 5"x6" 1 $250.00

Ref#TIN09 Click on image for larger view.
TIN09 PRITCHARD, Muck-a-tah, Sac Chief, full col 1842 5"x6" 1 $275.00
TIN10 PRITCHARD, Wah-ro-nee-sah, Outoe Chief (Shoshonee), full col 1842 5"x6" 1 $275.00

Ref#TIN11 Click on image for larger view.
TIN11 PRITCHARD, Nah-pope, Sac warrior, full col 1842 5"x6" 1 $125.00

Ref#TIN12 Click on image for larger view.
TIN12 PRITCHARD, Sha-ko-ka, Mandan Girl, full col 1842 5"x6" 1 $125.00

Ref#TIN13 Click on image for larger view.
TIN13 PRITCHARD, Mi-reek-ee sunk, Mandan Girl, full col 1842 5"x6" 1 $125.00

Ref#TIN14 Click on image for larger view.
TIN14 PRITCHARD, Tuch-ee, Cherokee War Chief, full col 1842 5"x6" 1 $175.00

Ref#TIN15 Click on image for larger view.
TIN15 PRITCHARD, Mach-o-skin-gaw, A Konza Warrior (Sioux), full col 1842 5"x6" 1 $275.00

Ref#TIN16 Click on image for larger view.
TIN16 PRITCHARD, Mah-to-toh-pa, Mandan Chief, full col 1842 5"x6" 1 $195.00

TIN50 PRITCHARD, Not-eem-a-alom (The Strong Wind) 1842 5"x6" 1 $165.00

TIN51 PRITCHARD, Ne-bet-neah-qua, Wos-see-ab-e-neuh-qua, Nib-nab-i-quah 1842 5"x6" 1 $135.00

Ref#TIN17 Click on image for larger view.
TIN17 PRITCHARD, Ah-quee-we-zaints (The Boy), full col 1855 5"x6" 1 $275.00
TIN18 PRITCHARD, Muck-a-tah, Sauk Chief, full col 1855 5"x6" 1 $225.00

Ref#TIN19 Click on image for larger view.
TIN19 PRITCHARD, Wah-ro-nee-sah, Outoe Chief (Shoshonee), full col 1855 5"x6" 1 $275.00
TIN20 PACIFIC RAILROAD SURVEY, Chemakane Mission, sepia litho 1856 10"x7" 1 $125.00

Ref#TIN21 Click on image for larger view.
TIN21 PACIFIC RAILROAD SURVEY, Zuni, sepia litho 1856 10"x7" 1 $175.00
TIN22 PACIFIC RAILROAD SURVEY, Blackfeet Indians-Three Buttes, sepia litho 1856 10"x7" 1 $175.00

Ref#TIN23 Click on image for larger view.
TIN23 PACIFIC RAILROAD SURVEY, Council With White Mans Horse, sepia litho 1856 10"x7" 1 $190.00

Ref#TIN37 Click on image for larger view.
TIN37 VIRTUE, William Penn Treaty with Indians, famous scene b/white 1856 7"x6" 1 $175.00
TIN38 VIRTUE, General Goffe Repulsing Indians at Hadley, general fighting, b/white 1856 7"x6" 1 $65.00
TIN39 VIRTUE, Indian Massacre at Wilkesbarre, Wyoming, Indians attacking settlers in home, b/white 1856 7"x6" 1 $55.00
TIN40 VIRTUE, Escape of Dunstan Family, male and children, Indians burning house, b/white 1856 7"x6" 1 $55.00
TIN41 VIRTUE, General Wool Rescuing a Mexican family, indians trying to capture a lady, b/white 1856 7"x6" 1 $65.00
TIN42 VIRTUE, The Pequod war, general fighting, b/white 1856 7"x6" 1 $55.00
TIN43 VIRTUE, Miss McCrea taken by Indians, b/white 1856 7"x6" 1 $55.00

Ref#TIN44 Click on image for larger view.
TIN44 VIRTUE, Smith rescued by Pocahontas, famous scene, b/white 1856 7"x6" 1 $250.00

Ref#TIN45 Click on image for larger view.
TIN45 VIRTUE, General Burgoyne addressing Indians, general scene, b/white 1856 7"x6" 1 $85.00
TIN46 VIRTUE, Roger Williams sheltered by the Narragansetts, b/white 1856 7"x6" 1 $65.00

Ref#TIN47 Click on image for larger view.
TIN47 VIRTUE, British in Council with Indians, interesting, b/white 1856 7"x6" 1 $195.00
TIN24 ILN, President shaking hands with Pawnee & Poncas, b/white 1858 14"x10" 1 $195.00
TIN25 ILN, North American indians Holding Council of Fate of White Prisoner, b/white 1860 13"x10" 1 $195.00

Ref#TIN26 Click on image for larger view.
TIN26 RONJAT, Indian Warriors (loro donne[Italian]), b/white 1870 10"x7" 1 $60.00

Ref#TIN48 Click on image for larger view.
TIN48 SCHOOLCRAFT, Scalp Dance of the Dakotas, very interesting scene at village, b/white 1870 8"x7" 1 $225.00

Ref#TIN49 Click on image for larger view.
TIN49 GEBBIE, A North American Indian Chief, after Hall, excellent lithograph, full col. 1870 8"x10" 1 $595.00
TIN27 ILN, A Wild Indian Show, b/white 1876 19"x14" 1 $175.00

Ref#TIN28 Click on image for larger view.
TIN28 ILN, Indians at a Hide-Traders Hut, b/white 1876 13"x10" 2 $60.00

Ref#TIN29 Click on image for larger view.
TIN29 ILN, An Indian Courtship, b/white 1876 13"x10" 1 $60.00

Ref#TIN30 Click on image for larger view.
TIN30 GRAPHIC, Indian war, Sitting Bull in Council at Fort Walsh, b/white 1877 13"x10" 1 $150.00

Ref#TIN31 Click on image for larger view.
TIN31 ANON, Indians Attacking Overland Mail on Plains, b/white 1880 9"x7" 1 $80.00
TIN32 ANON, Pawnee Indians, b/white 1880 7"x9" 1 $65.00
TIN33 AROUND WORLD, Camp of Comanchee Indians, woodcut on text, b/white 1880 7"x10" 1 $40.00
TIN34 GRAPHIC, Buffalo Dance at Fort Qu'Appelle and at Fort MacLeod, b/white 1881 10"x14" 1 $60.00

Ref#TIN35 Click on image for larger view.
TIN35 ILN, Sketches of Arizona/Ca. Yuma medicine Man/Taos/Los angeles/Santa Barbara, b/white 1888 10"x13" 1 $60.00

Ref#TIN36 Click on image for larger view.
TIN36 ILN, Interview with Indians who left their reserve without leave, b/white 1890 13"x10" 1 $175.00